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Gone but Never Forgotten

Gone but Never Forgotten

It was early morning when we heard she was found dead.

This beautiful, kind soul we wrapped our arms around in the streets so many times and cried out to heaven with was gone.

There was no news story, no notice posted of her death. A few family members and friends made it known.

Weeks before, when we saw her on street outreach, she said she was sick and asked for prayer.

Now we stood in a circle on the side of the road, lighting the shameless candle for her and others lost in the chaos of their trauma, jumping in and out of cars.

Many of us had survived those streets ourselves and prayed from a place on the other side of life.

Our prayers were deep, real and carried the weight of grief and hope for change; for a world where no one's death goes unnoticed; where each life is precious and cherished by all.

We light the candle and pray, grateful to have known her and loved her and so many who call us "friend." Her death will bring offerings of hope and health to others who are seeking the path that leads home.